Grado 5 primer periodo 2024


Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos.

First therm 2024

Contenidos: Elementos que conforman una hoja de cálculo: fila, columna y celdas. Formula suma, resta, división y multiplicación. Formato de celdas.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify basic keyboard elements
  4. Actividad- Activity:Diagnostic activity

1.Saludo - Greeting  

the teacher greeted everyone in the class

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal: Identify basic keyboard elements

The student will identify the basic elements of the keyboard and write one or two paragraphs

4. Actividad - Activity: Diagnostic activity

The student must open Word and in another tab he will open Google Chrome.

In Google Chrome you will enter the ijr2024 systems page and enter the third grade.

Then you will look for the what it is Excel and you will have to transcribe it.

After this, you must save the Word file with your name and surname.


Excel es una aplicación de hojas de cálculo desarrollada por Microsoft, que forma parte del paquete de programas Office. Esta herramienta permite a los usuarios crear, organizar y analizar datos en forma de cuadrícula, donde cada celda puede contener números, fórmulas o texto. Además de realizar cálculos matemáticos, Excel ofrece funciones avanzadas como gráficos, tablas dinámicas y automatización de tareas, convirtiéndolo en una herramienta esencial para empresas, educación y tareas personales que involucren la manipulación de datos.


Los usuarios pueden aprovechar las capacidades de Excel para realizar desde simples sumas hasta análisis complejos de datos. Su versatilidad y amplia gama de funciones lo convierten en una herramienta fundamental para profesionales de diversas disciplinas que necesitan trabajar con datos de manera eficiente y precisa.




  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: escribe en el cuaderno los contenidos y agenda - Goal: Identify the elements that make up the systems page and Excel
  4. Actividad de habilidades digitales en Padlet - Padlet Digital Skills Activity

1.Saludo - Greeting  

the teacher greeted everyone in the class

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo: escribe en el cuaderno los contenidos y agenda - Goal: Identify the elements that make up the systems page

The student identifies how to enter the systems page and how to upload a file to the padlet.

4.Actividad de habilidades digitales en Padlet - Padlet Digital Skills Activity

Enter the folder at the beginning of the ijr2024 pages.

Select the column marked with your grade and upload the finished Word file.

In the subject write your name and in the write something beautiful section, write the next topic:

¿Qué es Excel? Excel es una hoja de calculo, es un software diseñado para realizar operaciones matemáticas de una forma rápida y sencilla mediante la aplicación de diferentes formulas, esta aplicación es creada por la corporación Microsoft para ayudar a los usuarios a interpretar y diseñar datos alfanuméricos.

Excel esta conformado por unos elementos específicos, como los son: columnas de forma vertical, filas de forma horizontal y celdas que son los espacios entre las columnas y filas. 

Las formulas básicas de Excel son:

Siempre se comienza con = seguido de la función (




  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo - Goal: Identify the basic functions of Excel
  4. Actividad - Activity: Excel sheet one activity 

1.Saludo - Greeting  

the teacher greeted everyone in the class

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal : Identify the basic functions of Excel

The student will identify the basic functions of Excel through an exercise that the teacher will guide step by step.

4.Actividad - Activity: Excel sheet one activity

Before ending this activity upload to padlet.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo - Goal: Identify the basic functions of Excel
  4. Actividad - Activity: Excel sheet two activity 

1.Saludo - Greeting  

the teacher greeted everyone in the class


 - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal : Identify the basic functions of Excel

The student will identify the basic functions of Excel through an exercise that the teacher will guide step by step.

4.Actividad - Activity: Excel sheet two activity

Before ending this activity upload to padlet.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo - Goal: Identify the basic functions of Excel
  4. Actividad - Activity: Excel sheet three activity 

1.Saludo - Greeting  

the teacher greeted everyone in the class


 - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal : Identify the basic functions of Excel

Students will identify how the different Excel formulas are applied in an exercise that is solved by applying multiplication and division, adding the key elements for the construction of a calculation table with the tools that the application has.

4.Actividad - Activity: Excel sheet three activity

Before ending this activity upload to padlet.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: identify what is direct current and alternating current
  4. Actividad- Activity: watch the video and answer

1.Saludo - Greeting  

The teacher enters the classroom with a warm smile, welcoming the students into a space that will be their academic home for the upcoming months. As the students settle into their seats, the teacher begins the day with a friendly greeting, setting a positive tone for the class.

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal: identify what is direct current and alternating current

In the instructional session focusing on direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC), the teacher employs a pedagogical approach that integrates visual analogies and practical examples to elucidate the nuances between these two forms of electrical flow. A foundational analogy is introduced at the outset, drawing a parallel between DC as a steady, unidirectional flow analogous to a river and AC as an oscillating, cyclic pattern reminiscent of ocean waves. The historical context is then explored, illuminating the early dominance of Thomas Edison's DC in electrical systems, followed by Nikola Tesla's breakthrough with AC, particularly in long-distance power transmission.

The lesson transitions to a discussion of real-world applications, elucidating the prevalence of DC in portable electronic devices such as batteries and circuits, juxtaposed with the ubiquity of AC in household appliances and power distribution grids. The teacher underscores the everyday relevance of these concepts, allowing students to grasp the practical implications of DC and AC in their lives.

Furthermore, the class delves into contemporary advancements in technology, discussing how renewable energy systems leverage both DC and AC for efficient power generation and distribution. Practical examples, interactive discussions, and group activities stimulate critical thinking and enhance comprehension. As the session draws to a close, the teacher succinctly summarizes the key points, encouraging students to delve deeper into the subject matter independently to solidify their understanding.

4. Actividad - Activity: watch the video and answer

What was the contribution of Nikola Tesla?
What was the contribution of Thomas Alva Edison?
What did Tesla invent?
What did Edison invent?
Who do you think was the best inventor and why?

5. Actividad - Activity: Make a pictionary about artifacts

Simple objects

Vacuum cleaner
Hair dryer

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