Tercer periodo 5

Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos.

Third quarter 2024

Contents: Bloques de programación control y variable.

Selección y modificación de objetos y fondos.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify what is programming and algorithms
  4. Actividad evaluativa- evaluative activity: find answers to programming questions
1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal: Identify blocks of variables and control

In class, students will look for the definition of some terms that are related to programming and robotics, making an inquiry through different recommended pages where they will answer the questions that will allow the conceptual development of the third period.


4. Actividad evaluativa - Evaluative activity: find answers to programming questions


Search the internet for the answers to the following programming question and write the answer in padlet

  1. What is the function of the variable block in mBlock?
  2. What is the function of the mBlock control block?
  3. How can you modify a sprite in mBlock, explain it
  4. How can you modify a fund in mBlock, explain it
  5. How can you add a new image to mBlock
  6. Define in your words what the function of the different programming blocks is.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify blocks of variables and control
  4. Actividad practica- practical activity:build a movement schedule across the screen 
1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal: blocks of variable and control.

The student identifies how event times work according to the time needs between blocks, and how loop programming can influence the exercise.

4. Actividad practica– Practical activity: build a movement schedule across the screen 

1Add character and background according to the image.
2 add green flag event block
add forever block
3 add go to X and Y
4 Add time controls
5 add the event when I press space bar
6 add a question sensor
7 add time
8 add the appearance block and write an answer to the question
9 Save the activity and upload it to padlet



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Indentify the blocks of variable.
  4. Actividad evaluativa- evaluative activity: Category variable.


1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the blocks of variable.

identifies the function of constructing the different variables according to the need of the program, how they affect the programming and the multiple applications they have within the algorithm.

4. Actividad evaluativa - evaluative activity: Category variable.

1 Add background and objects according to the image
2 Add green flag event block
3 Add variable lives
4 Add control forever
5 Add a forever control and inside add the following.
6 Go to mouse pinter motion control
7 swich costume
8 Add two if
9 Add a basketball touch sensor in an if
10 Add a lives variable
11 Add the time variable
12 in the following if add those seen in the image.

1 add event block when I press the green flag 
2 add in appearance according to the level where you start 
3 add the variable speed and start at 10
4 add the appearance block show 
5 Add Go X and Y Motion Block 
6 add the movement block go in direction and add a green block of operators according to the image.
7 Add a forever block and inside it add what you see in the image.
8 Save the activity and upload it to padlet.

9. Background code



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Indentify the blocks of control.
  4. Actividad evaluativa- evaluative activity: Category control, loops, sprites and backgrounds

 1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the blocks of control.

The student identifies the functions of the control blocks by making use of loops and loops, also adding IF conditions to perform event actions contrary to an event.

4. Actividad evaluativa - evaluative activity: Category control, loops, srpites and backgrounds.

1. 4 sprites must be added, the first is the main character, the second is the object that will be thrown, the third is the obstacles, it must have two costumes internally and finally the object that will recover the life values, the which are represented in %

2. We will go to the background section, and we will add three different costumes to be able to generate the movement animation.

3. In step three we are going to program the first sprite which is our main character.

4. We are going to build two variables, the first is score and health points.

5. Next we are going to build the programming according to the following image, keeping in mind that the sprites that we already added must be marked.


  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Indentify the blocks of control.
  4. Actividad evaluativa- evaluative activity: Category control, loops and sprites 

1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the category of movement.

The student identifies the necessary blocks so that the object can move up and down, as well as the interaction between different objects.

4. Actividad – Activity: evaluative activity: Category control, loops and srpites

Follow the instructions step by step to add the necessary categories of motion for the object to interact with another object.

1.throwable object programming

Interaction objects with the main sprite

3. Accumulation objects and interaction with the sprite, health



To finish the construction of the program, students must evaluate the correct functioning of the programming.

4. Actividad - evaluative activity: Category control, loops and sprites

To finalize the mBlock project we are going to build the winner and loser variable, then we are going to socialize some of the projects and generate a talk regarding the elements that were taken into account for the construction of the program.

1 we are going to build a background with sprite 1 where the following is displayed:

2 let's build the finish schedule to finish the game


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