Grado 5 segundo periodo

 Second period 2022

Contents:  Influencia de la tecnología en los avances de los productos en mi entorno.


Week one March 28 to April 01

Week two April 4 to 8

Week three April 19 to 22

Week four April 25 to 29

Week five May 02 to 06

Week six May 09 to 13

Week seven May 21 to 25

Week eight May 23 to 28

Week nine May 30 to June 03

Week ten June 06 to 10


Week one March 28 to April 01



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify what Inkscape is

4. Actividad – Activity: write the contents and the tools of inkscape




1.Saludo – Greeting



2. Reflexión - Reflection



3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify what Inkscape is

Inkscape is graphic design software used to create images. The software must be installed on computers for its operation and is free to use. It is a software designed so that students from 8 years of age and older can begin to create their designs and with practice identify each of their tools.

4. Actividad – Activity: write the contents and the tools of inkscape


Contents:  Influencia de la tecnología en los avances de los productos en mi entorno.


The tools of inkscape



Archivo: sirve para guardar los trabajos o crear paginas nuevas.

Edición: Sirve para copiar y pegar elementos, también para los comandos de deshacer y volver.

Ver: esta opción permite acercar o alejar el tamaño de la pantalla y ayuda a cambiar su posición.

Capa: la opción de capas permite crear hojas de trabajo que dentro del mismo documento y tener por separado los modelados.

Objeto: permite cambiar de tamaño el diseño seleccionado y al mismo tiempo cambiar su color.

Trayecto: Permite unir objetos o cambiar sus formas dependiendo de la cantidad de vectores.

Texto: Esta opción ayuda a cambiar el tipo y tamaño de fuente.



Week three April 19 to 22



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Exploration the tools of inkscape

4. Actividad – Activity



1.Saludo – Greeting

 2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Exploration the tools of Inkscape


Inkscape is a powerful, open source desktop application for creating two-dimensional scalable vector graphics. Although it's primarily an illustration tool, Inkscape is used for a wide range of computer graphic tasks.

The variety of what can be done with Inkscape is vast and sometimes surprising. It is used to make diagrams, logos, programmatic marketing materials, web graphics, and even for paper scrapbooking. People also draw game sprites, produce banners, posters, and brochures. Others use Inkscape to draft web design mockups, detail layouts for printed circuit boards, or produce outline files to send to laser cutting equipment. 


Parts of Inkscape:

4. Actividad – Activity

The student makes a picture in Inkscape, the challenge is that They draw a car, airplane and train, discovering the tool.


Week four April 25 to 29



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Bezier and layers

4. Actividad – Activity: create a king




1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal:


The objective of this class is for the student to identify the functions of the Bezier tool, path nodes and its modes, they are the following: normal path, spiro path, BSpline path.


The student identifies the importance of adding layers of work.


4. Actividad – Activity


The teacher in the class will project on the board the process for the construction of a king in Inkscape, the students must follow the instructions step by step, at the end of the construction the file will be saved in the SVG format.


Week five May 02 to 06



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Bezier and layers

4. Actividad – Activity: create the pink panther




1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal:


The objective of this class is for the student to identify the functions of the Bezier tool, path nodes and its modes, they are the following: normal path, spiro path, BSpline path.


The student identifies the importance of adding layers of work.


4. Actividad – Activity


The teacher in the class will project on the board the process for the construction of a pink panther in Inkscape, the students must follow the instructions step by step, at the end of the construction the file will be saved in the SVG format.


Week six May 09 to 13



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: identify the elements necessary for the construction of vignettes.

4. Actividad – Activity: the final project on Inkscape.




1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection


3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the elements necessary for the construction of vignettes

Identify the elements necessary for the construction of vignettes in Inkscape and layers.

a vignette is a square divided into segments that allows to communicate actions, communication between characters, moments in time; the squares are covered by black borders.

4. Actividad – Activity: the final project on Inkscape

The student will begin the final project of Inkscape, which consists of the elaboration of a sheet with five bullet points.


The theme of the final work is freely chosen by the students, it must have more than one character and different actions per frame, then the number of layers that the work must have and the first sheet of vignettes will be shown.


Save of file in to Padlet



Week seven May 21 to 25


1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: identify the elements necessary for the construction of vignettes.

4. Actividad – Activity: the final project on Inkscape.




1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection


3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the elements necessary for the construction of vignettes

Identify the elements necessary for the construction of vignettes in Inkscape and layers.

a vignette is a square divided into segments that allows to communicate actions, communication between characters, moments in time; the squares are covered by black borders.

4. Actividad – Activity: the final project on Inkscape

The student will begin the final project of Inkscape, which consists of the elaboration of a sheet with five bullet points.


The theme of the final work is freely chosen by the students, it must have more than one character and different actions per frame, then the number of layers that the work must have and the first sheet of vignettes will be shown.


The vignette project is built to last three weeks of class, the goal is that every two vignettes can be completed in each week.


The work must have the following:

1 main character

2 minor character

3 texts between characters

4 everything must be colored

5 minimum must have five vignettes


Save of file in to Padlet

Grado 5-

Grado 4-

Grado 3-

Week eight May 23 to 28



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: create a presentation in PowerPoint

4. Actividad – Activity: Elements that must have a presentation.





1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Create a presentation in PowerPoint

The objective of the class is to create a PowerPoint presentation for the integrated project of Spanish, music and technology.

4. Actividad – Activity: Activity: Elements that must have a presentation.


Students must create a PowerPoint presentation with the following elements:

1. Music genre

  • ·       Origin
  • ·       The where
  • ·       The when
  • ·       The how

2. Instruments used.

3. Bands or representative artists 5

4. Social impact on people and the world.

5. Apartado for favorite artist (birth, composition and did you know that?)




Save of file in to Padlet

Grado 5-

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