Grado 3 cuarto periodo

Fourth quarter 2022

Contents:Construcción de secuencias de movimiento y fondos. Introducción a los bloques de evento (Bucle y esperar)

Week one September 19 to 23



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: write the contents and draw the programming blocks

4. Actividad – Activity: write the contents and draw the programming blocks,observe its function. 




1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: write the contents and draw the programming blocks.

The student will copy the contents of the first period and the systems web page, he will also interact with programming already made by other students.

4. Actividad – Activity: write the contents and draw the programming blocks, observe its function.

Contents:Introducción a los bloques de programación.

1.Hat blocks

2. Stack blocks

3. Reporter blocks


1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the movement category

4. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step 



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the category of movement.

The student identifies the necessary blocks so that the object can move back and forth, as well as the interaction between different objects.

4. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step

Follow the instructions step by step to add the necessary categories of motion for the object to interact with another object.

Movement Category

The blocks of the Movement Category, allow to control the movement and displacement within the stage from the coordinate system of the Cartesian plane. You can identify them with the blue color, in addition, the vast majority of the programming blocks in this category are of the “Stick Block” type, remember that this type of block is the most common that you will use in your programming projects with mBlock, since that allow to execute main commands.

You can see the maximum coordinates for each quadrant in the following image, keep in mind that this value may vary slightly according to the size of the object.

Changes the object's costume to the selected one.


When you press the right arrow (→) the object's costume changes to costume1 and when you press the left arrow (←) the object's costume changes to costume2.



Changes the item's costume to the next one in the list of costumes.

If the current costume is the last one in the list, it is changed to the first one.


When you click on the green flag, the object moves 10 steps and changes to the next costume.


Changes the stage background to the selected one.


When you click on the green flag, the background of the stage changes.



Changes the background of the stage to the next one in the list of backgrounds.

If the current background is the last one in the list, it is changed to the first one.


When you click on the green flag, the stage background changes to the next one in the list of backgrounds.


Resizes the object by the specified percentage.


When you click on the green flag, the size of the object increases by 10%.


Shows the object on the stage.


When you click on the green flag, the object is displayed on the stage.


Hides the stage object.


When you click on the green flag, the object is hidden from the stage.

Programming the object 1 and object 2

object 1 


1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the movement category

4. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step 



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the category of movement.

The student identifies the necessary blocks so that the object can move back and forth, as well as the interaction between different objects.

4. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step

Follow the instructions step by step to add the necessary categories of motion for the object to interact with another object.

Programming the object 1 and object 2

object 1 

object 2 

object 2.1 


1. Objetivo -Goal: Identifies sprite modification tools

2. Actividad – Activity: Sprite modification activity

1. Objetivo -Goal: Identifies sprite modification tools

The student identifies the use of valid and bytemap tools and will also identify how to download png images from the internet.

2. Actividad – Activity: Sprite modification activity

The objective of the activity is to download an image from the internet in: PNG, JPEG format and save it in the personal folder.

Then the image will be loaded to mBlock in ADD and it will be transformed into a byte map for later use.

Right click on the image you want to save and select save as.

In mBlock select the first option ADD.


1. Objetivo -Goal: Identifies sprite modification tools

2. Actividad – Activity: Sprite modification activity

1. Objetivo -Goal: Identifies sprite modification tools

The student identifies the use of valid and bytemap tools and will also identify how to download png images from the internet.

2. Actividad – Activity: Sprite modification activity

In mBlock with the image loaded we will select the sprite editing options in costumes and then we will select the value and in the color we select the option without filling.

Clic in the white background for the delete this.


1. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the movement category

2. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step 

1. Objetivo -Goal:Identify the physics of mBlock 

The student uses programming blocks that use motion physics and life variables.

2. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step

In the following images, the blocks of If will be presented, which will serve to take control of lives and fluid movements, which will be applied to the programming that is in the process of construction and completion.

Objeto 3 Movimiento if fluido (nuevo objeto)

Objeto 1 panda contador de vidas.


1. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the movement category

2. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step 

1. Objetivo -Goal:Identify the physics of mBlock 

The student uses programming blocks that use motion physics and life variables.

2. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step

In the following images, the blocks of If will be presented, which will serve to take control of lives and fluid movements, which will be applied to the programming that is in the process of construction and completion.

Objeto 3 Movimiento if fluido (nuevo objeto)

Objeto 1 panda contador de vidas.


1. Objetivo -Goal: Identify what mBlock does

2. Actividad – Activity: Access mBlock publications

1. Objetivo -Goal: Identify what mBlock does

The student identifies the operation of mBlock through games created on the platform and assembled in the international community.

2. Actividad – Activity: Access mBlock publications

Below you will find the URLs of the publications made by students on the official page of mBlock online, where you can identify how far you can go with the program.

Enter and interact with at least five programs and socialize your experience in the group. 

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