Grado 5 cuarto periodo

Fourth quarter 2022

Contents: Programación por bloques: interacción de objetos, física y cambios de escena.Construcción de un programa, juego o animación.

Week one September 19 to 23



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: choose what activity to do

4. Actividad – Activity: programming activity




1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: choose what activity to do.

The student on the systems page will select one of the programming activities that can be developed in the next three weeks.

4. Actividad – Activity: Programming activity.

From the following videos below you will find the activities to be developed, what is stated in each video must be done and at the end all the sprites must be changed. Keep in mind that the completed activity must be uploaded to Padlet.


Step one

Step two

Step three

Step four


Step one

Step two

Step three

Step four


Step one

Step two

Step three

Step four

Step five

Step six


Week one September 26 to 30


1. Objetivo -Goal: Follow the instructions

2. Actividad – Activity: programming activity

1. Objetivo -Goal: Follow the instructions

Once the project is selected, the student will follow its construction until it is finished.

2. Actividad – Activity: Programming activity.

You must follow the videos step by step to have the correct programming for its implementation, you must change the sprites for others different from the one in the videos.

The objective of the next three classes is to develop one of the projects with the teacher's advice to solve doubts.


Week one October 03 to 07


1. Objetivo -Goal: Follow the instructions

2. Actividad – Activity: programming activity

1. Objetivo -Goal: Follow the instructions

Once the project is selected, the student will follow its construction until it is finished.

2. Actividad – Activity: Programming activity.

You must follow the videos step by step to have the correct programming for its implementation, you must change the sprites for others different from the one in the videos.

The objective of the next three classes is to develop one of the projects with the teacher's advice to solve doubts.



1. Objetivo -Goal: Identifies sprite modification tools

2. Actividad – Activity: Sprite modification activity

1. Objetivo -Goal: Identifies sprite modification tools

The student identifies the use of valid and bytemap tools and will also identify how to download png images from the internet.

2. Actividad – Activity: Sprite modification activity

The objective of the activity is to download an image from the internet in: PNG, JPEG format and save it in the personal folder.

Then the image will be loaded to mBlock in ADD and it will be transformed into a byte map for later use.

Right click on the image you want to save and select save as.

In mBlock select the first option ADD.


1. Objetivo -Goal: Identifies sprite modification tools

2. Actividad – Activity: Sprite modification activity

1. Objetivo -Goal: Identifies sprite modification tools

The student identifies the use of valid and bytemap tools and will also identify how to download png images from the internet.

2. Actividad – Activity: Sprite modification activity

In mBlock with the image loaded we will select the sprite editing options in costumes and then we will select the value and in the color we select the option without filling.

Clic in the white background for the delete this.

Week six October 31 to November 04


1. Objetivo -Goal: Project Completion

2. Actividad – Activity: programming activity

1. Objetivo -Goal: Project Completion

The student in the class will finish and adjust the last details of the project, keeping in mind that at the end of the class he must upload it to the padlet.

2. Actividad – Activity: Programming activity.

You must follow the videos step by step to have the correct programming for its implementation, you must change the sprites for others different from the one in the videos.

The objective of the next three classes is to develop one of the projects with the teacher's advice to solve doubts.


Week seven November 07 to 11

The student recognizes the necessary elements to build a game through the elements that he has learned in mBlock.

4. Actividad – Activity: Make a game in mBlock

In the closing activity, the student must create a schedule given the following instructions accompanied by images.

Activity one

When green flag clicked
Activity two

When space bar clicked, forever.
Activity three

When  right arrow, the first mbot win and say, the second mbot win say.


1. Objetivo -Goal: Identify what mBlock does

2. Actividad – Activity: Access mBlock publications

1. Objetivo -Goal: Identify what mBlock does

The student identifies the operation of mBlock through games created on the platform and assembled in the international community.

2. Actividad – Activity: Access mBlock publications

Below you will find the URLs of the publications made by students on the official page of mBlock online, where you can identify how far you can go with the program.

Enter and interact with at least five programs and socialize your experience in the group. 

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