Grado 1 primer periodo

First quarter  2023

Contenidos: La historia de la tecnología y partes del computador, introducción a los periféricos.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Class rules
  4. Actividad- Activity:Talk about me

1.Saludo - Greeting  

the teacher greeted everyone in the class

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal: Class rules

In class, the rules that must be taken into account to go to the systems room will be discussed and students will be asked how they understand them, conducting a discussion.
  1. Be punctual.​
  2. Take care of the equipment, both personal and school´s property. ​
  3. Be quiet / Keep mic silenced.​
  4. Listen and pay attention to instructions.​
  5. Rise hand before speaking. ​
  6. Avoid distractions, like toys and pets (at home).​
  7. Don´t eat or consume drinks during class.​
  8. Camera always ON (at home).​
  9. Always close apps and shut down the computer at the end of class (at school).​
  10. Keep distance between each other (at school).​
  11. Wash hands regularly (at school).​

4. Actividad - Activity:Talk about me

  1. What is your name?​
  2. How old are you?​
  3. What is your favorite color?​
  4. What is favorite animal?
  5. What is favorite game?
  6. What is favorite serie?
  7. What do you know about computers?



1.     Saludo - Greeting

2.    Reflexión - Reflection 

3.   Objetivo: Escribir en el cuaderno los contenidos y agenda - Goal: Write in the note book the contents 

4.    Actividad dibuja el computador, sus partes y escribe las normas de clase.


1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Escribe en el cuaderno los contenidos y agenda - Write the contents and agenda in the notebook

Contenidos: La Importancia de la tecnología en la historia de la humanidad y partes del computador, introducción a los periféricos.



1.     Saludo - Greeting

2.    Reflexión - Reflection 

3.   Objetivo: Escribir en el cuaderno los contenidos y agenda - Goal: Write in the note book the contents 

4.    Actividad dibuja el computador, sus partes y escribe las normas de clase.


Pagina de tecnología :

4. Actividad dibuja el computador, sus partes y las normas de clase - Activity draw the computer, its parts and class rules.

The student in his technology notebook will draw the parts of the computer and will name each one; At the bottom we can find an illustration of a computer to help us how it can look.

Class rules

1.     Be punctual.

2.    Take care of the equipment, both personal and school´s property. 

3.   Be quiet / Keep mic silenced.

4.    Listen and pay attention to instructions.

5.    Rise hand before speaking. 



1.     Saludo - Greeting

2.    Reflexión - Reflection 

3.   Objetivo: Draw the parts of the computer 

4.    Actividad dibuja el computador y sus partes - Activity Draw the parts of the computer 

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3. Actividad dibuja el computador y sus partes - Activity draw the computer and its parts

The student in his technology notebook will draw the parts of the computer and will name each one; At the bottom we can find an illustration of a computer to help us how it can look.

Class rules

1.     Be punctual.

2.    Take care of the equipment

3.   Be quiet 

4.    Listen and pay attention to instructions.

5.    Rise hand before speaking. 

Actividad extra para el manejo del mouse


  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: practica con el mouse - Goal: mouse practice
  4. Actividad practica mouse- Activity mouse practice

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo: practica con el mouse - Goal: mouse practice.

The studen identify the movemente of the mouse in the screen and press clic in the pictures for select diferents activities.

4.Actividad practica mouse- Activity mouse practice

Click on each of the images and complete the activity, earning as many points as possible.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: identifica el uso de paint - Goal: Identifies the use of paint
  4. Actividad partes del computador- Activity computer parts

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo: Identifica el uso de paint - Goal: indentifies the use of the paint.

El estudiante entra a la aplicación paint e interactúa para identificar sus funciones basicas.

4.Actividad partes del computador - Activity computer parts

Click on the following images and develop the activities that will be presented below.

4.1 Draw computer parts in paint



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: identificar que es un periférico - Objective: identify what is a peripheral.
  4. Actividad perifericos de entrada, salida y mixtos- Activity output peripherals, input periherals and mix peripherals.
  5. Trabajo en paint- Work in paint

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3. Goal: Objective: identify what is a peripheral.

The student must be identifies the function of the peripherals.

4.Activity output periphals, input periphals and mix periphals, write in the book

In the systems notebook, make the following drawings, taking into account that they must color

5.Trabajo en paint - Work in paint


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