Grado 4 tercer periodo


Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos.

Third quarter  2023

Contenidos: Bloques de programación y construcción de algoritmos. Categorías de los bloques de programación. 



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify what is programming and algorithms
  4. Actividad- Activity: look up the meaning of words and paint the blocks
1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal: Identify what is programming and algorithms

In class, students will look for the definition of some terms that are related to programming and robotics, making an inquiry through different recommended pages where they will answer the questions that will allow the conceptual development of the third period.


4. Actividad - Activity: look up the meaning of words and paint the blocks



Escribir los contenidos, las preguntas y su respuesta en el cuaderno.

Contents: Bloques de programación y construcción de algoritmos.Categorías de los bloques de programación.  

1.What is programming?

2.Name four programming languages and write about it

3.What are programming blocks?

4.What it is an algorithms?

5.What it is Logarithm?

6.What is MBlock?

7. What is a Cartesian plane?

8. Draw and paint the next blocks: Hat Block, Stack Block, Reporter Block, Boolean Block, Cap Block

9. Define each of the programming blocks: Hat Block, Stack Block, Reporter Block, Boolean Block, Cap Block



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the elements that make up block programming
  4. Actividad- Activity: Explore MBlock
1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal: 

The student will identify the elements that make up the MBlock platform, especially the programming blocks and what their functions are, they will also identify the elements that make up a Cartesian plane.

4. Actividad – Activity: Explore MBlock

What is block programming?

1. What is mBlock?


mBlock is a programming software designed for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education. Based on Scratch 3.0, it supports both graphical and textual programming languages. Currently, more than 10 million people use it to learn programming, create their own projects and share their creations. With mBlock, you can create interactive stories, video games, and animations, as well as program robots from Makeblock, Micro:bit, and Arduino. mBlock supports Python and C programming language. You can switch to Python or C mode with just one click. In addition, integrate and easily learn cutting-edge technologies such as Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).


2. Change the blocks directly to languages:


• Programming based on blocks and text.

• Compare the program made in blocks and convert it in real time to text in Python or C.

• Program by code directly from programming languages ​​such as Python or C (Arduino)

 3. Work interface.

Stage and configuration area: The stage is a space where you visualize your designs, you find it in the upper left part of the screen where the Panda is. Below, we find the elements that will allow you to configure the devices, objects and backgrounds.

Blocks area: You find the categories and programming blocks necessary to create your projects.

Programming area: Create and view the instruction sequences.

4. Block programming language.

Block programming offered by mBlock is a visual and modular language based on Scracth 3.0. It is organized into blocks that perform different functions and actions. Putting blocks together, similar to how building pieces fit together, creates complex actions that bring your projects to life.

Next, we show a sequence of basic instructions that allows Panda to display a message using only 2 blocks

As you can see, it is a modular language because it is grouped into modules that can be stacked and linked together. It is a visual language because you do not have to write code unlike other programming languages, you use blocks with selectable options through menus, and you just have to look closely at the set of blocks to

understand what they do.URL:

4.1 Actividad 

Enter Mblock and create something to remember you from last year.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Indentify the funtion of the programming blocks
  4. Actividad- Activity: Motion sequence mBlock


1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the function of the programming blocks


The objective of the class is for students to identify the blocks that are used to perform a sequence of movements and actions in the MBlock application and to locate on the Cartesian plane how the X and Y axes are located.


4. Actividad – Activity: motion sequence mBlock

 Read the instructions and follows next steps :

 Object, costumes, sounds and backgrounds?


mBlock has a series of elements that, related to each other, give life to your creations. They are:

Program: It is a sequence of instructions made up of programming blocks that

 fulfill a specific function.

• Object: Each of the elements of the project that we can program (characters, animals, plants, etc.)

Disguise: Layers that use objects and backgrounds to increase the possibilities of interaction, including creating a sense of movement


• Background: It is the reference image of the stage.


Click on Objects below the stage and then on the add option to open the object library.

Note: The default object is the Panda, you can click the x of the option to remove it.

Choose an object from the Object Library, click OK. In this case, we chose Dot.

mBlock also allows you to import images and draw your objects. From the option and from the object library.

As you can see, Dot now appears is on stage.


Move the objects


Drag the Events block when you click in the schedule area.

Drag the Move block (move 10 steps) and drop it below the current blocks.

Observe how Dot moves by clicking on the green flag.




Click Costumes on the Objects tab.

Click on Costumes in the lower left corner.

Choose the costume you want in the dialog that appears and click OK.

From the Appearance Category drag the next costume block and drop it below the current blocks.

Click on the green flag and see how Dot's movement improves.


Upload the activity to Padlet 




    1. Saludo - Greeting

    2. Reflexión - Reflection

    3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the movement category

    4. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step 

    1. Saludo - Greeting

    2. Reflexión - Reflection

    3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the category of movement.

    The student identifies the necessary blocks so that the object can move back and forth, as well as the interaction between different objects.

    4. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step

    Follow the instructions step by step to add the necessary categories of motion for the object to interact with another object.

    Movement Category

    The blocks of the Movement Category, allow to control the movement and displacement within the stage from the coordinate system of the Cartesian plane. You can identify them with the blue color, in addition, the vast majority of the programming blocks in this category are of the “Stick Block” type, remember that this type of block is the most common that you will use in your programming projects with mBlock, since that allow to execute main commands.

    You can see the maximum coordinates for each quadrant in the following image, keep in mind that this value may vary slightly according to the size of the object.

    Changes the object's costume to the selected one.


    When you press the right arrow (→) the object's costume changes to costume1 and when you press the left arrow (←) the object's costume changes to costume2.



    Changes the item's costume to the next one in the list of costumes.

    If the current costume is the last one in the list, it is changed to the first one.


    When you click on the green flag, the object moves 10 steps and changes to the next costume.


    Changes the stage background to the selected one.


    When you click on the green flag, the background of the stage changes.



    Changes the background of the stage to the next one in the list of backgrounds.

    If the current background is the last one in the list, it is changed to the first one.


    When you click on the green flag, the stage background changes to the next one in the list of backgrounds.


    Resizes the object by the specified percentage.


    When you click on the green flag, the size of the object increases by 10%.


    Shows the object on the stage.


    When you click on the green flag, the object is displayed on the stage.


    Hides the stage object.


    When you click on the green flag, the object is hidden from the stage.


    Programming project sprite 1 and IA 2,3,4  V2.0

    The first step to start the programming project is to change sprite 1 to dog2 and add cat1, cat2 and cat3.

    The second step is to add a background which is the student's choice.

    The first part of the programming will be carried out within sprite 1 (Dog 2) which has the movement blocks and the different counters, it must be borne in mind that the sprite option must be selected and dog2 selected.

    The programming of the AI ​​must be done in the sprites Cat1, Cat2 and Cat3, so that they make random movements.



    1. Saludo - Greeting

    2. Reflexión - Reflection

    3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the movement category

    4. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step 

    1. Saludo - Greeting

    2. Reflexión - Reflection

    3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the category of movement.

    The student identifies the necessary blocks so that the object can move back and forth, as well as the interaction between different objects.

    4. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step

    Follow the instructions step by step to add the necessary categories of motion for the object to interact with another object.

    Programming project sprite 1, player two and IA 2,3,4  V2.1

    Add other srpite for the second player and copy the first programinng of the dog and paste in the second player.

    Change the keys for Y-W, -Y-S, X-D and -X-A

    Make a variable lives player 2

    copy the first programinng of the dog, paste in the second player and change variables lives for lives player 2 .



    The student recognizes the necessary elements to build a game through the elements that he has learned in mBlock.

    4. Actividad – Activity: Make a game in mBlock

    In the closing activity, the student must create a game with the programming elements that he has in mBlock and can add new ones if he wants, the game must follow the following rubric and be based on the story written in the Spanish class.

    Juego creado por estudiantes.

    4 personajes





    Contador de tiempo y vidas.

    Movimiento de de ambos jugadores con las teclas.

    Los 2 gatos deben moverse automáticamente.

    El fondo del juego Game Over debe de ser diferente a los prediseñados de mBlock.









    The student recognizes the necessary elements to build a game through the elements that he has learned in mBlock.

    4. Actividad – Activity: Make a game in mBlock

    In the closing activity, the student must create a game with the programming elements that he has in mBlock and can add new ones if he wants, the game must follow the following rubric and be based on the story written in the Spanish class.

    Juego creado por estudiantes.

    4 personajes





    Contador de tiempo y vidas.

    Movimiento de de ambos jugadores con las teclas.

    Los 2 gatos deben moverse automáticamente.

    El fondo del juego Game Over debe de ser diferente a los prediseñados de mBlock.







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