Grado 1 primer periodo 2024

First therm 2024

Contenidos: Historia y evolución tecnológica. Partes del computador y sus funciones. 



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Class rules
  4. Actividad- Activity:Talk about me

1.Saludo - Greeting  

the teacher greeted everyone in the class

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal: Class rules

In class, we'll discuss the rules for accessing the systems room, prompting students to share their understanding. Beginning with a presentation of the rules, emphasizing safety and fairness, students will engage in an open dialogue, exploring hypothetical scenarios and consequences. This aims to clarify rules while fostering critical thinking and communication skills in a collaborative learning environment
  1. Be punctual.​
  2. Take care of the equipment, both personal and school´s property. ​
  3. Be quiet / Keep mic silenced.​
  4. Listen and pay attention to instructions.​
  5. Rise hand before speaking. ​
  6. Avoid distractions, like toys and pets (at home).​
  7. Don´t eat or consume drinks during class.​
  8. Camera always ON (at home).​
  9. Always close apps and shut down the computer at the end of class (at school).​
  10. Keep distance between each other (at school).​
  11. Wash hands regularly (at school).​

4. Actividad - Activity:Talk about me

  1. What is your name?​
  2. How old are you?​
  3. What is your favorite color?​
  4. What is favorite animal?
  5. What is favorite game?
  6. What is favorite serie?
  7. What do you know about computers?



1.     Saludo - Greeting

2.    Reflexión - Reflection 

3.   Objetivo: Escribir en el cuaderno los contenidos y agenda - Goal: Write in the note book the contents 

4.    Actividad dibuja el computador, sus partes y escribe las normas de clase. 

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Escribe en el cuaderno los contenidos y agenda - Write the contents and agenda in the notebook

Contenidos: La Importancia de la tecnología en la historia de la humanidad y partes del computador, introducción a los periféricos.


Pagina de tecnología :


1.     Saludo - Greeting

2.    Reflexión - Reflection 

3.   Objetivo: Escribir en el cuaderno los contenidos y agenda - Goal: Write in the note book the contents 

4.    Actividad dibuja el computador, sus partes y escribe las normas de clase. 

4. Actividad dibuja el computador, sus partes y las normas de clase - Activity draw the computer, its parts and class rules.

In their technology notebook, students will sketch the components of a computer and label each one accordingly. At the bottom of the page, there will be an illustration of a complete computer setup to serve as a visual aid. This activity encourages hands-on learning and reinforces students' understanding of computer hardware.

Class rules

1.     Be punctual.

2.    Take care of the equipment, both personal and school´s property. 

3.   Be quiet / Keep mic silenced.

4.    Listen and pay attention to instructions.

5.    Rise hand before speaking. 



1.     Saludo - Greeting

2.    Reflexión - Reflection 

3.   Objetivo: Draw the parts of the computer 

4.    Actividad dibuja el computador y sus partes - Activity Draw the parts of the computer 

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3. Actividad dibuja el computador y sus partes - Activity draw the computer and its parts

In the technology notebook, students will sketch and label the various parts of a computer. Each component will be identified with its corresponding name. Additionally, at the bottom of the page, there will be an illustration depicting a complete computer setup to provide visual reference for the students. This exercise not only reinforces their understanding of computer hardware but also enhances their visual comprehension of a typical computer configuration.

Class rules

1.     Be punctual.

2.    Take care of the equipment

3.   Be quiet 

4.    Listen and pay attention to instructions.

5.    Rise hand before speaking. 

Actividad extra para el manejo del mouse


  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: practica con el mouse - Goal: mouse practice
  4. Actividad practica mouse- Activity mouse practice

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo: practica con el mouse - Goal: mouse practice.

The student will learn to navigate the computer screen using the mouse, identifying the movement required to point and click on various pictures representing different activities. Through this interactive exercise, the student will develop their fine motor skills and familiarity with computer interfaces while engaging in a selection of activities. This hands-on approach encourages active learning and helps students become proficient in using basic computer functions.

4.Actividad practica mouse- Activity mouse practice

To begin, you will need to provide the images or describe the activities associated with each one so that I can guide you through completing the activities and earning points. Please provide the images or describe the activities you would like to engage with



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: identifica el uso de paint - Goal: Identifies the use of paint
  4. Actividad partes del computador- Activity computer parts

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo: Identifica el uso de paint - Goal: indentifies the use of the paint.

To start, let's open the Paint application. Look for the Paint icon on your desktop or in the Start menu and double-click it to launch the program. Once Paint is open, you'll see a blank canvas where you can create drawings or edit images.

Now, let's explore some basic functions:

Drawing Tools: On the left side of the Paint window, you'll find various drawing tools such as the pencil, brush, eraser, and shapes. Click on each tool to select it, then use your mouse to draw or create shapes on the canvas.

Colors: At the bottom of the Paint window, you'll see the color palette. Click on a color to select it, then start drawing with that color.

Undo and Redo: If you make a mistake while drawing, you can click on the "Undo" button at the top left corner of the window or press Ctrl + Z on your keyboard to undo the last action. You can also redo actions by clicking on the "Redo" button or pressing Ctrl + Y.

Save and Open: To save your artwork, click on the "File" menu at the top left corner of the window, then select "Save As" to choose a location and file format for your image. You can also open existing images by selecting "Open" from the File menu.

Resize and Crop: Use the "Resize" and "Crop" tools from the toolbar to adjust the size and dimensions of your canvas or to crop your image to a specific area.

Text: You can add text to your drawings by selecting the "Text" tool from the toolbar, clicking on the canvas where you want to add text, and then typing your text.

Feel free to experiment with these basic functions to create your artwork in Paint. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

4.Actividad partes del computador - Activity computer parts

Identifying Parts of the Computer:

Show the students images or diagrams of a computer system, including the monitor, keyboard, mouse, CPU, and other peripherals.
Ask the students to identify and label each part of the computer system.
Discuss the function of each part and how they work together to perform tasks.
Typing Rocket - Identifying Mouse Keys:

Explain to the students the functions of the mouse keys: left-click, right-click, and scroll wheel (if applicable).
Provide examples of when each mouse key is typically used, such as left-clicking to select items or right-clicking to access context menus.
Ask the students to practice using the mouse keys in a controlled setting, such as navigating through a simple online activity or game.
Drawing and Writing in Paint:

Open the Paint application on the computer.
Instruct the students to use the drawing tools to create a simple illustration of a computer system, including the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and CPU.
Encourage the students to use the text tool to label each part of the computer system with its name.
Once the students have finished drawing and labeling the parts of the computer, they can save their work or print it out for reference.
By following these steps, students will engage in hands-on activities to reinforce their understanding of computer hardware components, mouse functionality, and basic digital drawing and typing skills. 



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: identificar que es un periférico - Objective: identify the keys.
  4. Actividad: Trabajo en paint- Work in paint

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3. Goal: Objective: identify the keys.

 identifying the locations of letters on the keyboard and use them to write a story:

Introduction to Keyboard Layout:

Begin by introducing the layout of the keyboard to the students. Point out the arrangement of letters, numbers, and special characters.


Demonstrate how to locate and press the keys on the keyboard. You can use a visual aid or a virtual keyboard displayed on a screen to illustrate.

Guided Practice:

Provide students with a simple story or sentence and guide them through the process of typing it out. Encourage them to locate each letter on the keyboard and press the corresponding key.

Independent Practice:

Give students a story or prompt to write independently. They should use their knowledge of the keyboard layout to type out the story, ensuring correct spelling and punctuation.

Review and Feedback:

After students have completed typing their stories, review their work together as a class. Provide feedback on correct letter placement and any spelling errors.

Extension Activities:

Increase the complexity of the stories or prompts as students become more proficient.

Introduce typing games or online resources to further practice keyboarding skills in a fun and engaging way.

Encourage students to type out their own creative stories or essays, applying the keyboarding skills they have learned.

By engaging in this activity, students will not only practice identifying the locations of letters on the keyboard but also develop their typing skills, spelling, and composition abilities.

4.Activity output periphals, input periphals and mix periphals, write in the book

Opening Paint:

Launch the Paint application on your computer. You can usually find it in the Start menu or by searching for "Paint" in the search bar.
Using the Text Tool:

Click on the "A" icon in the toolbar to select the text tool.
Click on the canvas where you want to start typing your story.
Type out your story using the keyboard.
Formatting Text:

You can change the font, size, and color of the text using the options in the toolbar.
Experiment with different formatting options to make your story visually appealing.
Saving Your Text:

Once you've written your story, save your work by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Save As." Choose a location and file format to save your text.
Drawing Elements:

After writing your story, switch to drawing mode by selecting a drawing tool from the toolbar, such as the pencil or brush.
Use the drawing tools to illustrate elements from your story. For example, if your story mentions a tree, you can draw a tree on the canvas.
Adding Details:

Get creative and add details to your illustrations using different colors and shapes.
You can also use the eraser tool to make corrections or remove any unwanted elements.
Saving Your Finished Work:

Once you're satisfied with your story and illustrations, save your final artwork by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Save As."
Sharing Your Work:

You can share your finished artwork with others by printing it, emailing it, or saving it to a shared folder.
By following these steps, students can use the Paint application to write a story using the text tool and then draw accompanying illustrations to bring their story to life. This activity encourages creativity, storytelling skills, and familiarity with digital tools.

5.Trabajo en paint - Work in paint

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