Grado 4 primer periodo 2024

Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos.

First therm 2024

Contenidos: Elementos de la barra de herramientas del procesador de texto. Normas de escritura en el desarrollo de escritos cortos. Exportar e importar documentos de texto.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify basic keyboard elements
  4. Actividad- Activity:Diagnostic activity

1.Saludo - Greeting  

The teacher welcomes his students at the beginning of a new school year, evoking memories of important lessons from the previous year and reviewing the fundamental rules of the class. He emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and active participation, while recalling the utility of the applications and technological tools they previously used to enrich their learning. His message reflects a continuous commitment to the academic success and personal development of each student in the classroom

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal: Identify basic keyboard elements

In fourth grade, students are introduced to the world of computer literacy, where they not only learn to navigate through digital interfaces but also delve into the practical aspects of keyboard usage. One of the primary objectives at this stage is to familiarize students with keyboard shortcuts, which are essential for efficient and streamlined computer usage. Additionally, they begin to understand the layout of the keyboard and the placement of various keys, enabling them to type with increasing accuracy and speed. By mastering these skills, students lay a solid foundation for future computer-based tasks, fostering both their technological proficiency and their ability to effectively communicate and express themselves in the digital age.

4. Actividad - Activity: Diagnostic activity

Opening Word and Google Chrome:

Open the Word application on the computer.
Open Google Chrome in another tab or window.
Navigating to the IJR2024 Systems Page:

In Google Chrome, type "ijr2024 systems" into the address bar and press Enter.
Once on the IJR2024 Systems page, navigate to the third-grade section.
Transcribing the Story:

Locate the story section on the IJR2024 Systems page.
Read the story carefully and transcribe it into the Word document.
Saving the Word File:

Click on the "File" menu in Word.
Select "Save As" and choose a location to save the file.
Enter your name and surname as the file name.
Click "Save" to save the document.

By following these steps, the student will successfully complete the tasks of transcribing the story from the IJR2024 Systems page into a Word document and saving the file with their name and surname.


Once upon a time, in the enchanting land of Eldoria, nestled between rolling hills and whispering woods, there lived a kind-hearted fairy named Luna. Luna was known for her magical powers, which she used to bring joy and prosperity to the creatures of the forest. One day, a mischievous gnome named Jasper stumbled upon Luna's glittering abode. Intrigued by her benevolence, Jasper decided to befriend Luna, and together they embarked on whimsical adventures, spreading laughter and enchantment throughout Eldoria.


As Luna and Jasper journeyed through the mystical realm, they encountered talking animals, wise old trees, and shimmering streams. Their friendship became a beacon of light, dispelling darkness wherever they went. Little did they know that their bond would be tested by a wicked sorceress who sought to extinguish the magic in Eldoria. With courage in their hearts and Luna's powerful spells, they faced the challenges, proving that true friendship and magic could overcome any adversity in this fairy-tale land.




  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: escribe en el cuaderno los contenidos y agenda - Goal: Identify the elements that make up the systems page
  4. Actividad de habilidades digitales en Padlet - Padlet Digital Skills Activity

1.Saludo - Greeting  

The teacher warmly greeted everyone in the class with a bright smile and a friendly "Good morning" or "Hello." They made eye contact with each student, creating a welcoming atmosphere in the classroom. The teacher's greeting set a positive tone for the day's activities and encouraged students to feel comfortable and engaged in the learning environment.

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo: escribe en el cuaderno los contenidos y agenda - Goal: Identify the elements that make up the systems page

Uploading a File to Padlet:

Accessing Padlet:

Open a web browser on the computer.
Type the URL for Padlet's website in the address bar and press Enter.
Signing In or Creating an Account (If Required):

If prompted, sign in to your Padlet account using your username and password. If you don't have an account, you may need to create one.
Creating or Selecting a Padlet:

Once logged in, you can either create a new Padlet or select an existing one where you want to upload the file.
Uploading the File:

On the Padlet, look for an option to upload files. This may be represented by an icon like a paperclip or by a "Upload" button.
Click on the upload option and browse your computer to select the file you want to upload.
Once you've selected the file, click on "Open" or "Upload" to upload the file to the Padlet.
Confirming the Upload:

After uploading, you should see a confirmation message indicating that the file has been successfully uploaded to the Padlet.

4.Actividad de habilidades digitales en Padlet - Padlet Digital Skills Activity

Entering the Folder at the Beginning of the IJR2024 Pages:

Open a web browser and navigate to the IJR2024 website.
Look for the folder icon or link at the beginning of the pages, usually labeled as "Folders" or "Directories."
Click on the folder icon or link to enter the folder containing different grade levels or classes.
Selecting the Column Marked with Your Grade:

Within the folder, locate the column or section marked with your grade level (e.g., third grade).
Click on the column or section corresponding to your grade to access the content specific to your class.
Uploading the Finished Word File:

Locate the option to upload files within the column or section for your grade.
Click on the upload button or icon, then select the finished Word file from your computer.
Wait for the file to upload completely, and ensure that it appears in the designated area.
Writing Your Name in the Subject:

Look for the field or section labeled "Subject" or "Title" where you can enter information about the uploaded file.
Write your name in the subject field to identify the file as yours. For example, "John Doe's Word File."
Writing Something Beautiful in the Introduction Section:

Locate the "Write Something Beautiful" section, which is typically provided for personal introductions or messages.
Write a brief personal introduction about yourself. You can include information such as your name, interests, hobbies, or anything else you'd like to share with your classmates or teacher.
Keep the introduction concise and positive, focusing on sharing something interesting or inspiring about yourself.
By following these steps, the student will successfully enter the folder at the beginning of the IJR2024 pages, upload their finished Word file, write their name in the subject, and provide a brief personal introduction in the designated section. If there are any specific instructions or requirements provided by the teacher or platform, the student should follow those accordingly.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: explicación herramientas básicas de PowerPoint - Goal: explanation of basic PowerPoint tools
  4. Actividad PowerPoint - PowerPoint activity 

1.Saludo - Greeting

the teacher greeted everyone in the class

2.Reflexión - Reflection 

3.Objetivo: explicación herramientas básicas de PowerPoint -  Goal: explanation of basic PowerPoint tools

1.Inicio- barra de herramientas, tipo de fuente y tamaño de letra 
1.Home- Toolbar, font type and size text

2.Inicio- barra de herramientas, nueva diapositiva 

2.Home- Toolbar, new slide

3.Inicio- barra de herramientas, insertar imagen 
3.Home- Toolbar, insert image

4.Inicio- barra de herramientas, diseño
4.Home- Toolbar, design

4.Actividad PowerPoint - PowerPoint activity 

1. Abrir PowerPoint y crear una presentación en blanco.    
2.Crear la portada la cual tiene los siguientes puntos: Titulo, nombre del estudiante y grado.
3. El PowerPoint debe de tener: dos diapositivas, imágenes insertadas,  dos cuadros de texto, diseño para la presentación, una imagen y el tema principal el cual es historia de los artefactos electricos.
4. Cargar el archivo a Padlet.                              

1. Open PowerPoint and create a white presentation.
2. Create the cover which has the following point: title, student´s name, course.
3. The PowerPoint must have: two slide, inserted images, two text boxes, design for the presentation an image and the main theme which is the history of artifacts. 
4. Upload the file to Padlet.

Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos.

4.Actividad MS Word - MS Word activity 

1. Abrir MS Word y crear una hoja en blanco.    
2.Crear la portada la cual tiene los siguientes puntos: Titulo, nombre del estudiante y grado.
3. El documento de MS Word debe de tener: dos paginas, imágenes insertadas,  dos cuadros de texto mínimo de 6 renglones cada uno (Times New Roman, Tamaño 14), el cual es historia de los artefactos eléctricos.
4. Cargar el archivo a Padlet.                              

1. Open MS Word and create a blank sheet.
2. Create the cover which has the following points: Title, student's name and grade.
3. The MS Word document must have: two pages, inserted images, two text boxes of at least 6 lines each (Times New Roman, Size 14), which is the history of electrical devices.
4. Upload the file to Padlet.

Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: identificar como esta construida la portada de una revista - Goal: to identify how the cover of a magazine is built
  4. Actividad: portada de revista - Activity: magazine cover 

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo: identificar como esta construida la portada de una revista - Goal: to identify how the cover of a magazine is built

The student identifies how the cover of a magazine is built for later its elaboration.

4.Actividad: portada de revista - Activity: Magazine cover 

4.1 Explanation of the activity:

In this activity, students are tasked with using the PowerPoint tool to design the cover of a magazine, adhering to the conventions of a typical magazine cover. They should consider elements such as captivating images, attention-grabbing headlines, and visually appealing design elements. The cover they create should focus on a specific type of artifact, such as a historical artifact, a technological device, or a work of art.

Once the cover design is completed, students will then proceed to construct the magazine, incorporating additional content related to the chosen artifact. This may include feature articles, interviews, photographs, and other relevant information. Through

activity, students not only hone their

skills in graphic design and layout but also deepen their understanding of the chosen artifact and its significance within a broader context.

Cover magazine elements



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo: identificar los artefactos electricos y el uso de PowerPoint- Goal: identify artifacts and use of PowerPoint
  4. Actividad escrito y portada - Activity magazine cover and write 

1.Saludo - Greeting  

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Goal: identify artifacts and use of PowerPoint

In this task, students are encouraged to engage in research to gather information about various artifacts and identify their uses. By delving into the significance and functions of these artifacts, students develop a deeper understanding of their historical, cultural, or technological contexts.

Furthermore, students will recognize the importance of using PowerPoint as a tool for presenting their findings and activities. PowerPoint offers a versatile platform for organizing information, incorporating multimedia elements, and delivering visually engaging presentations. By utilizing PowerPoint, students can effectively communicate their research findings, share their insights, and showcase their understanding of the artifacts they have studied.

Through this process, students not only enhance their research and presentation skills but also gain valuable experience in utilizing technology as a means of academic expression and communication. This integrated approach fosters critical thinking, digital literacy, and creativity, preparing students for success in both academic and real-world settings.

4.Actividad escrita y portada - Activity magazine cover and write

Tool work: PowerPoint

Clic to see the example

Rubrica de evaluación


Cuerpo del trabajo

La portada cuenta con la imagen principal.

La portada cuenta con cuatro subtemas

La portada cuenta con el titulo

La portada cuenta con el mensaje de invitación para el lector


El cuerpo del trabajo tiene 4 paginas

Cada página posee una columna de texto

Cada página tiene una imagen del tema a trabajar

Cada página tiene un diseño de color de fondo

Las páginas están enumeradas


La portada cuenta con la imagen principal.

La portada cuenta con tres subtemas

La portada cuenta con el titulo

La portada cuenta con el mensaje de invitación para el lector


El cuerpo del trabajo tiene 3 paginas

Cada página posee una columna de texto

Cada página tiene una imagen del tema a trabajar

Cada página tiene un diseño de color de fondo

Las paginas están enumeradas


La portada cuenta con la imagen principal.

La portada cuenta con dos subtemas

La portada cuenta con el titulo


El cuerpo del trabajo tiene 2 paginas

Cada página posee una columna de texto

Cada página tiene una imagen del tema a trabajar

Cada página tiene un diseño de color de fondo

Las paginas están enumeradas


La portada cuenta con la imagen principal.

La portada cuenta con el titulo


El cuerpo del trabajo tiene 1 paginas

Cada página posee una columna de texto

Cada página tiene una imagen del tema a trabajar

Cada página tiene un diseño de color de fondo

Las paginas están enumeradas


El modo de entrega es el siguiente:

La URL se colocará en el Padlet para su revisión.

Nota importante: No se debe copiar y pegar textualmente información de internet, en caso tal la pagina no contara dentro de la rubrica de calificación.



  1. Saludo - Greeting
  2. Reflexión - Reflection 
  3. Objetivo -Goal: identify what is direct current and alternating current
  4. Actividad- Activity: watch the video and answer

1.Saludo - Greeting  

The teacher enters the classroom with a warm smile, welcoming the students into a space that will be their academic home for the upcoming months. As the students settle into their seats, the teacher begins the day with a friendly greeting, setting a positive tone for the class.

2.Reflexión - Reflection

3.Objetivo - Goal: identify what is direct current and alternating current

In the instructional session focusing on direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC), the teacher employs a pedagogical approach that integrates visual analogies and practical examples to elucidate the nuances between these two forms of electrical flow. A foundational analogy is introduced at the outset, drawing a parallel between DC as a steady, unidirectional flow analogous to a river and AC as an oscillating, cyclic pattern reminiscent of ocean waves. The historical context is then explored, illuminating the early dominance of Thomas Edison's DC in electrical systems, followed by Nikola Tesla's breakthrough with AC, particularly in long-distance power transmission.

The lesson transitions to a discussion of real-world applications, elucidating the prevalence of DC in portable electronic devices such as batteries and circuits, juxtaposed with the ubiquity of AC in household appliances and power distribution grids. The teacher underscores the everyday relevance of these concepts, allowing students to grasp the practical implications of DC and AC in their lives.

Furthermore, the class delves into contemporary advancements in technology, discussing how renewable energy systems leverage both DC and AC for efficient power generation and distribution. Practical examples, interactive discussions, and group activities stimulate critical thinking and enhance comprehension. As the session draws to a close, the teacher succinctly summarizes the key points, encouraging students to delve deeper into the subject matter independently to solidify their understanding.

4. Actividad - Activity: watch the video and answer

What was the contribution of Nikola Tesla?
What was the contribution of Thomas Alva Edison?
What did Tesla invent?
What did Edison invent?
Who do you think was the best inventor and why?

5. Actividad - Activity: Make a pictionary about artifacts

Simple objects

Vacuum cleaner
Hair dryer

Extra time activity.

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