Tercer periodo 2


Third quarter 2024 

Contents: Introducción a los códigos de programación y algoritmos.



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify what is programming and algorithms

4. Actividad evaluable – Evaluable activity:: write the contents and what is an algorithm


1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection


3. Objetivo -Goal: Activity: Identify what is programming and algorithms

In class, students will write in their notebooks the contents of the third period and will write the elementary definitions of programming, such as algorithms and programming.

4. Actividad evaluable – Evaluable activitywrite the contents and what is an algorithm

Contents: Introducción a los códigos de programación y algoritmos.


Es planificar o dar una serie de instrucciones para que una maquina o programa realice sus funciones de forma automática.


Un algoritmo es como una receta de cocina, pero para resolver problemas. Es una serie de pasos ordenados que nos dicen exactamente qué hacer para llegar a una solución. Por ejemplo, si queremos buscar un juguete en una caja, el algoritmo podría ser:

  1. Abre la caja.
  2. Mira dentro de la caja.
  3. Saca los juguetes uno por uno.
  4. Si encuentras el juguete que buscas, detente.
  5. Si no, sigue buscando hasta encontrarlo.

Los algoritmos ayudan a las computadoras a resolver problemas de manera eficiente.

Compelementary activity




1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: identifies the elements that make up an algorithm

4. Actividad practica – Practical activity: logical labyrinth


1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection


3. Objetivo - Goal: identifies the elements that make up an algorithm


The student will follow a series of steps to identify what an algorithm is through an activity that will be carried out outdoors and will apply the practical elements to provide solutions to problems in their environment.

4. Actividad practica – practical Activity: logical labyrinth

Go to the image or link and follow the instructions that we will see there, advance through all the levels and identify how the algorithms work.



1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Organize algorithms logically

4. Actividad evaluativa- evaluative activity: Introduction to programming

1. Saludo - Greeting


2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Organize algorithms logically


 The student must identify the correct order of the algorithms to meet an objective or respond to an activity proposed by the teacher.


4. Actividad evaluativa - evaluative activity: Introduction to programming


The activity to be carried out is developed in Code.org; It consists of building the code so that the character executes a movement sequence to reach its final objective.

The activity consists of coupling three types of blocks, the orange colored perimeter to start the action, the second blue colored one for the movements and the third block it is the pink, this can be repeat any action two or three times

Secuencias: ejercicio 6-2

Actividad 1: https://studio.code.org/s/coursea-2022/lessons/6/levels/2

Extra time activity





1. Saludo - Greeting
2. Reflexión - Reflection
3. Objetivo -Goal: identifies the elements that make up an algorithm
4. Actividad practica – Practical activity: follow the instructiones of the code.org about the programming craft.


1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the category of movement.

The student identifies what the hat block and the category blocks are for.

4. Actividad practica – Practical activity: Follow the instructions step by step

The activity to be carried out is developed in Code.org; It consists of building the code so that the character executes a movement sequence to reach its final objective.

The activity consists of attaching four types of blocks, the orange perimeter one to start the action, the second blue one for movements, the third dark blue one is a movement condition and the last light-colored one serves for two conditions of movement at the same time.

Minecraft voyage 1 level 1

Practical activity: ons/1/levels/1





1. Saludo - Greeting
2. Reflexión - Reflection
3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the movement category
4. Actividad practica – Practical activity: Follow the instructions step by step 

 1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the category of movement.

The student identifies what the hat block and the category blocks are for.

4. Actividad practica – Practical activity: Follow the instructions step by step

The activity to be carried out is developed in Code.org; It consists of building the code so that the character executes a movement sequence to reach its final objective.

The activity consists of building different algorithms with four categories of blocks, the first is the orange one that allows programming to begin, the second is blue to perform movement actions, the pink one is to repeat actions (loops or loops) and the green one. which serves to carry out a set of actions that can be simplified into a single block.

Minecraf journey 1 level 1

Practical activity:https://studio.code.org/s/hero/lessons/1/levels/1




1. Saludo - Greeting
2. Reflexión - Reflection
3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the movement category
4. Actividad practica – Practical activity: Follow the instructions step by step 

2. Reflexión - Reflection

3. Objetivo -Goal:Identify the physics of mBlock 

The student uses programming blocks that use motion physics and life variables.

4. Actividad – Activity: Follow the instructions step by step

In the following images, the blocks of If will be presented, which will serve to take control of lives and fluid movements, which will be applied to the programming that is in the process of construction and completion.

Practical activity




1. Saludo - Greeting
2. Reflexión - Reflection
3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the movement category
4. Actividad – Evaluative activity: Follow the instructions step by step 

 1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection (como hacer un robot casero)

3. Objetivo -Goal:Identify the physics of mBlock 

The student uses programming blocks that use motion, events and control blocks.

4. Actividad – Evaluative activity: Follow the instructions step by step

As shown in the following image, a schedule will be built with four blocks of events, one of them to start the schedule in goin to X and Y, then we will program the directions of X and Y with the left and right arrows and finally with space bar the Y and -Y coordinates for the jump



1. Saludo - Greeting
2. Reflexión - Reflection
3. Objetivo -Goal: Identify the movement category
4. Actividad practica – Practical activity: Follow the instructions step by step 

 1. Saludo - Greeting

2. Reflexión - Reflection 

3. Objetivo -Goal:Identify the physics of mBlock 

The student uses programming blocks that use motion, events and control blocks.

4.  Actividad practica – practical activity: Follow the instructions step by step

As shown in the following image, a schedule will be built with four blocks of events, one of them to start the schedule in goin to X and Y, then we will program the directions of X and Y with the left and right arrows and finally with space bar the Y and -Y coordinates for the jump

1 Programming the srpite one

2 Add the second sprite and progamming its movement

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