
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2022

Grado 5

  Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos. First quarter   2023 Contenidos:  Elementos que conforman una hoja de cálculo: fila, columna y celdas. Formula suma, resta, división y multiplicación. Formato de celdas. TECNOLOGY WEEK ONE AGENDA Saludo - Greeting Reflexión - Reflection  Reglas de clase - Class rules Hablar de mi - Talk about me 1.Saludo - Greeting   the teacher greeted everyone in the class 2.Reflexión - Reflection 3.Reglas de clase - Class rules Be punctual.​ Take care of the equipment, both personal and school´s property. ​ Be quiet / Keep mic silenced.​ Listen and pay attention to instructions.​ Rise hand before speaking. ​ Avoid distractions, like toys and pets (at home).​ Don´t eat or consume drinks during class.​ Camera always ON (at home).​ Always close apps and shut down the computer at the end of class (at school).​ Keep distance between each other (at school).​ Wash hands regularly (at school).​ 4. Hablar de mi - Talk about me What is your name?​ How old are you?​ Wha

Grado 6

Primer periodo 2022 Contenidos: La  importancia de la tecnología en los  avances de la humanidad.   TECNOLOGIA SEMANA 1- TECNOLOGY WEEK ONE AGENDA Saludo - Greeting Reflexión - Reflection  Reglas de clase - Class rules Hablar de mi - Talk about me 1.Saludo - Greeting   the teacher greeted everyone in the class 2.Reflexión - Reflection 3.Reglas de clase - Class rules Be punctual.​ Take care of the equipment, both personal and school´s property. ​ Be quiet / Keep mic silenced.​ Listen and pay attention to instructions.​ Rise hand before speaking. ​ Avoid distractions, like toys and pets (at home).​ Don´t eat or consume drinks during class.​ Camera always ON (at home).​ Always close apps and shut down the computer at the end of class (at school).​ Keep distance between each other (at school).​ Wash hands regularly (at school).​ 4. Hablar de mi - Talk about me What is your name?​ How old are you?​ What is your favorite color?​ What is favorite animal? What is favorite game? What is favorit