
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2023

Grado 5 cuarto periodo

  FOURD QUARTER   2023 Contents:   Programación por bloques: interacción de objetos, física y cambios de escena.  Construcción de un programa, juego o animación. TECNOLOGY WEEK ONE AND TWO Agenda 1. Saludo - Greeting 2. Reflexión - Reflection 3. Objetivo -Goal: write the contents and build a character. 4. Actividad – Activity:  write the contents and build a principal character. 1. Saludo - Greeting 2. Reflexión - Reflection 3. Objetivo -Goal: write the contents and build a character. The students must enter to piskel and must build a pixel character with the diferente tools, after this, they save the work in the computers for uploading to mBblock. 4. Actividad – Activity: Write the contnts and build a principal character. Build a principal character gif with six sprites in the platform piskel with diferents tools and after save in the computer for upload to mBlock. Keep in mind the following: On the first and second week the student must be build two character, the first is the princi

Grado 4 cuarto periodo

  FOURD QUARTER   2023 Contents:   Algoritmos y logaritmos. Construcción de bloques de programación personalizados según la necesidad (Bloques rosados). TECNOLOGY WEEK ONE AND TWO Agenda 1. Saludo - Greeting 2. Reflexión - Reflection 3. Objetivo -Goal: write the contents and build a character. 4. Actividad – Activity:  write the contents and build a principal character. 1. Saludo - Greeting 2. Reflexión - Reflection 3. Objetivo -Goal: write the contents and build a character. The students they must enter to piskel and must be build a pixel character with the diferentes tools, afters this save the work in the computers for upload to mBblock. 4. Actividad – Activity: Write the contnts and build a principal character. Build a principal character gif with six sprites in the platform piskel with diferents tools and after save in the computer for upload to mBlock. Keep in mind the following: On the first and second week the student must be build two character, the first is the principal char