
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2023

Grado 1 primer periodo 2024

First therm  2024 Contenidos:  Historia y evolución tecnológica.  Partes del computador y sus funciones.  TECNOLOGY WEEK ONE AGENDA Saludo - Greeting Reflexión - Reflection  Objetivo -Goal: Class rules Actividad- Activity:Talk about me 1.Saludo - Greeting   the teacher greeted everyone in the class 2.Reflexión - Reflection 3.Objetivo - Goal: Class rules In class, we'll discuss the rules for accessing the systems room, prompting students to share their understanding. Beginning with a presentation of the rules, emphasizing safety and fairness, students will engage in an open dialogue, exploring hypothetical scenarios and consequences. This aims to clarify rules while fostering critical thinking and communication skills in a collaborative learning environment Be punctual.​ Take care of the equipment, both personal and school´s property. ​ Be quiet / Keep mic silenced.​ Listen and pay attention to instructions.​ Rise hand before speaking. ​ Avoid distractions, like toys and pets (at ho