
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2024

Grado 5 segundo periodo 2024

Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos.   Second quarter   2024 Contenidos:  Electrónica básica.   Circuito en serie, paralelo y mixto.   Artefactos eléctricos.      TECNOLOGY WEEK ONE AGENDA Saludo - Greeting Reflexión - Reflection  Objetivo -Goal: The goal of the class is to write the contents Actividad- Activity: Answer the electricity questions in the notebook. 1.Saludo - Greeting   The teacher greets the students emphasizing the class rules and how important it is to always keep everyone's place organized. 2.Reflexión - Reflection 3.Objetivo - Goal:  The goal of the class is to write the contents   The objective of the class is to write the contents, talk about electricity and answer some questions in the notebook. What is electricity ? Electricity is a physical phenomenon in which different types of charge interact, in this case positive and negative, electrons with negative charges and protons with a positive charge, the interaction between the two generates an electrical cha

Grado 4 segundo periodo 2024

Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos. Second quarter   2024 Contenidos:  Introducción a la electrónica, símbolos eléctricos, tipos de artefactos.  TECNOLOGY WEEK ONE AGENDA Saludo - Greeting Reflexión - Reflection  Objetivo -Goal: The goal of the class is to write the contents Actividad- Activity: Answer the electricity questions in the notebook. 1.Saludo - Greeting   The teacher greets the students emphasizing the class rules and how important it is to always keep everyone's place organized. 2.Reflexión - Reflection 3.Objetivo - Goal:  The goal of the class is to write the contents   The objective of the class is to write the contents, talk about electricity and answer some questions in the notebook. What is electricity ? Electricity is a physical phenomenon in which different types of charge interact, in this case positive and negative, electrons with negative charges and protons with a positive charge, the interaction between the two generates an electrical charge. The manifest

Grado 3 segundo periodo 2024

  Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos. Second quarter   2024 Contenidos:  Electricidad y su implementación, historia y uso de la energía, introducción a los circuitos. TECNOLOGY WEEK ONE AGENDA Saludo - Greeting Reflexión - Reflection  Objetivo -Goal: The goal of the class is to write the contents Actividad- Activity: Answer the electricity questions in the notebook. 1.Saludo - Greeting   The teacher greets the students emphasizing the class rules and how important it is to always keep everyone's place organized. 2.Reflexión - Reflection 3.Objetivo - Goal:  The goal of the class is to write the contents   The objective of the class is to write the contents, talk about electricity and answer some questions in the notebook. What is electricity ? Electricity is a physical phenomenon in which different types of charge interact, in this case positive and negative, electrons with negative charges and protons with a positive charge, the interaction between the two generates an electrica