
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2023

Grado 5 primer periodo 2024

  Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos. First therm  2024 Contenidos:  Elementos que conforman una hoja de cálculo: fila, columna y celdas. Formula suma, resta, división y multiplicación. Formato de celdas. TECNOLOGY WEEK ONE AGENDA Saludo - Greeting Reflexión - Reflection  Objetivo -Goal: Identify basic keyboard elements Actividad- Activity:Diagnostic activity 1.Saludo - Greeting   the teacher greeted everyone in the class 2.Reflexión - Reflection 3.Objetivo - Goal: Identify basic keyboard elements The student will identify the basic elements of the keyboard and write one or two paragraphs 4.  Actividad - Activity: Diagnostic activity The student must open Word and in another tab he will open Google Chrome. In Google Chrome you will enter the ijr2024 systems page and enter the third grade. Then you will look for the what it is Excel and you will have to transcribe it. After this, you must save the Word file with your name and surname. Excel Excel es una aplicación de hojas de cálculo

Grado 4 primer periodo 2024

Espacio de almacenamiento de trabajos. First therm  2024 Contenidos:  Elementos de la barra de herramientas del procesador de texto. Normas de escritura en el desarrollo de escritos cortos. Exportar e importar documentos de texto. TECNOLOGY WEEK ONE AGENDA Saludo - Greeting Reflexión - Reflection  Objetivo -Goal: Identify basic keyboard elements Actividad- Activity:Diagnostic activity 1.Saludo - Greeting   The teacher welcomes his students at the beginning of a new school year, evoking memories of important lessons from the previous year and reviewing the fundamental rules of the class. He emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and active participation, while recalling the utility of the applications and technological tools they previously used to enrich their learning. His message reflects a continuous commitment to the academic success and personal development of each student in the classroom 2.Reflexión - Reflection 3.Objetivo - Goal: Identify basic keyboard elements In fourth