
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2022

Grado 5 cuarto periodo

Fourth quarter 2022 Contents:   Programación por bloques: interacción de objetos, física y cambios de escena. Construcción de un programa, juego o animación. Week one September 19 to 23   Agenda 1. Saludo - Greeting 2. Reflexión - Reflection 3. Objetivo -Goal: choose what activity to do 4. Actividad – Activity: programming activity   Development   1. Saludo - Greeting 2. Reflexión - Reflection 3. Objetivo -Goal: choose what activity to do. The student on the systems page will select one of the programming activities that can be developed in the next three weeks. 4. Actividad – Activity: Programming activity. From the following videos below you will find the activities to be developed, what is stated in each video must be done and at the end all the sprites must be changed. Keep in mind that the completed activity must be uploaded to Padlet. DUCK HUNT Step one Step two Step three Step four PAC-MAN Step one Step two Step three Step four VIAJE ESPACIAL Step one Step two Step three Step fo

Grado 4 cuarto periodo

https://www.friv.com/ Fourth quarter 2022 Contents:   Algoritmos y logaritmos. Construcción de bloques de programación personalizados según la necesidad (Bloques rosados). Week one September 19 to 23   Agenda 1. Saludo - Greeting 2. Reflexión - Reflection 3. Objetivo -Goal: choose what activity to do 4. Actividad – Activity: programming activity   Development   1. Saludo - Greeting 2. Reflexión - Reflection 3. Objetivo -Goal: choose what activity to do. The student on the systems page will select one of the programming activities that can be developed in the next three weeks. 4. Actividad – Activity: Programming activity. From the following videos below you will find the activities to be developed, what is stated in each video must be done and at the end all the sprites must be changed. Keep in mind that the completed activity must be uploaded to Padlet. DUCK HUNT Step one Step two Step three Step four PAC-MAN Step one Step two Step three Step four VIAJE ESPACIAL Step one Step two Step

Grado 3 cuarto periodo

https://www.friv.com/ Fourth quarter 2022 Contents: Construcción de secuencias de movimiento y fondos.  Introducción a los bloques de evento (Bucle y esperar) Week one September 19 to 23   Agenda 1. Saludo - Greeting 2. Reflexión - Reflection 3. Objetivo -Goal: write the contents and draw the programming blocks 4. Actividad – Activity:  write the contents and draw the programming blocks,observe its function.    Development   1. Saludo - Greeting 2. Reflexión - Reflection 3. Objetivo -Goal: write the contents and draw the programming blocks. The student will copy the contents of the first period and the systems web page, he will also interact with programming already made by other students. 4. Actividad – Activity:  write the contents and draw the programming blocks,  observe its function.   https://ijr2022.blogspot.com/ Contents: Introducción a los bloques de programación. 1.Hat blocks 2. Stack blocks 3. Reporter blocks 4. Boolean Blocks 5. Cap blocks Observe its function. https://plan